[Tokyo Olympics.Hong Kong representative introduced.Badminton】Xie Yingxue | Tse Ying Suet

Tokyo Olympic Mixed Doubles Badminton | Xie Yingxue. Deng Junwen 

QUARTER-FINALS highlights:

Date of Birth: September 1991, 11
Age: 29
Sex : Female
BornGround:Hong Kong


Professional athletes

Language: Cantonese, Mandarin

Coach: Tim He Yiming [Country], HKG

Hand: Left (bwfbadminton.com, January 2011, 1)

Debut: Representing Hong Kong, China in 2005 (Athlete, November 2010, 11)

Past injury record: She dislocated her left shoulder in November 2018.She underwent physical therapy and was absent for several months before returning to Hong Kong, China in March 11 to participate in the Asian Mixed Team Championship that year. (singpao.com.hk, 2019 Mar 3; bwfworldtour.bwfbadminton.com, 01 Apr 2019)

Reason for starting to play badminton: Her mother let her participate in this sport. (badmintoncn.com, June 2016, 6)

ambition:Participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. (hk.news.yahoo.com, May 2021, 5)

She and her partner Deng Junwen won the team event award at the 2019 Hong Kong Sports Star Awards Ceremony of Cathay Pacific. (sportsroad.hk, April 2021, 4)

Source: Tokyo Olympics official website https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020,hk.news.yahoo.com

Instagram: @tseyingsuet

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